Melasma is a pigment disorder in which erratic, dark brown spots appear on the face. Melasma often develops during pregnancy, which is why it is also called a pregnancy mask. But other hormonal fluctuations can also stimulate the production of pigment. Contrary to what might be suggested, the sun is not the culprit. The pigment cells release more pigment in response to the increase in the hormones estrogen and progesterone, in combination with the sun. Menopause can also play a role in the development of melasma, as can too much stress or changing contraceptives or medication.
Unfortunately, melasma has a chronic character and often hereditary factors also play a role. Skin discolorations can be experienced as disturbing. With the right skin therapeutic treatments and products, we can ensure that the pigment is significantly reduced. We can also ensure that new pigment spots are created less quickly.

Melasma requires a careful and controlled approach. Aggressive treatments and treatments that release a lot of light and heat can worsen the production of pigment. At Inskin Institute, based on our experience, we offer the best and safest method to effectively treat melasma. We work with the Cosmelan products of the Mesoestetic brand. They are #1 worldwide in the field of controlled and safe pigment treatments. These are suitable for every skin type.
Good preparation with home products ensures the best result. By using certain acids, the skin can get used to it and the cornification of the skin is reduced. This allows the products to be better absorbed by the skin.
Pre Peeling
This peeling is applied in the clinic two days before the Cosmelan mask. The pre-peeling ensures that the skin is permeable, so that the active ingredients of the mask can be absorbed deep into the skin. This also reduces the chance of side effects.
At Inskin Instiute we work with the Inmode and it is CE and FDA certified.
Cosmelan mask
The Cosmelan mask will be applied by the skin therapist at our clinic. This mask will stay on the skin for 8-12 hours. So you will go home with this mask. After the exposure time you can remove the mask from the skin yourself. After applying the mask you may experience a tingling sensation for a short time. Sometimes the skin can feel a bit dry. After a few days, the skin may start to flake slightly.
Control appointment
A telephone check-up appointment will take place two days after the mask. The skin therapist will then indicate when you can start using the home products.

At home
This treatment includes five home products (worth € 400). You will receive detailed instructions on how to apply the products. In the first month, you must apply the Cosmelan product (the Melan Recovery Cream) and the Melan SPF130 three times a day. When the products are gone, you can order new products yourself.
In months two and three you apply the products twice a day. In months four to six you only apply the products in the evening. In case of severe pigmentation, there is still the possibility to replace the Cosmelan with Dermamelan during the course. This product contains the same ingredients as the Cosmelan, but is 30 percent stronger. We can extend the process by a few months if necessary.

What effect can you expect?
After the treatment with the mask, the skin may be a little red and you may experience a slight burning and tight feeling. This is normal up to 48 hours after treatment. The included Melan Recovery Cream can be applied immediately after removing the mask and will reduce this feeling. After this, the controlled exfoliation process of the skin begins. As the course progresses, the flaking of the skin will decrease. It is extremely important NOT to scratch any flakes / skins, NOT to scrub the skin and NOT to use peeling! This can cause long-lasting redness, pink discolorations or scarring of the skin. Avoid direct UV radiation and protect your skin against the sun at all times with the Melan SPF130+.
The best result during the course is achieved between week 1 and week 4. The pigmentation has already decreased significantly and sometimes completely disappeared. The reason to continue the treatment is because then not all the pigment in the deeper skin layers has been reached.
Dit zeggen klanten over ons
Belangrijk om te weten
Pigmentvlekken ontstaan geleidelijk. Niet elk type pigment kan je op dezelfde manier behandelen en vraagt om een andere aanpak. Een verkeerde behandeling kan zelfs het pigment triggeren. Laat je goed informeren en wees kritisch voor welke behandeling en behandelaar je kiest als je zichtbaar resultaat wil boeken. Bij Inskin werken alleen ervaren hbo-geschoolde huidtherapeuten.
Health insurance reimbursement
Inskin Institute is recognized by all health insurance companies. The removal of pigment spots in the face is often reimbursed from additional health insurance. The amount of the reimbursement depends on your insurance. Reimbursement from the additional healthcare insurance does not cover your deductible.
Questions about the Cosmelan cure
Is the Cosmelan treatment for the face against pigment spots reimbursed?
Yes, this is seen as a medical indication and is often reimbursed from the additional health insurance. Inskin Institute is recognized by all health insurance companies
From when can I expect results?
You will often experience after a few weeks that the pigmentation is less visible.
What will my skin look like after the treatment and during the course?
The skin may look a little red. You can camouflage this so that you can continue with your daily activities. We can advise you which product is safe and will not disturb the progress of the cure.
Do I need a referral from my GP?
No, skin therapy is directly accessible care and a referral is not necessary. We are affiliated with all health insurers.
Are the treatments sensitive?
No, the treatments are not very sensitive. Usually you will only experience a mild stinging sensation.
How long do the treatments take?
You have to take into account that you will be with us for about half an hour.
Why do I choose Inskin Institute?
At Inskin Institute we give you personal and expert skin advice. You will be treated by BIG-registered and HBO-trained skin therapists. This means that we act according to government guidelines and only work with safe, certified equipment and products. Beautiful and healthy skin can only be achieved with proven techniques, scientifically based methods, the right knowledge and experience, effective products and high-quality equipment. At Inskin Institute we offer the best medical cosmetic solutions and you are central!