Dull skin
In addition to the signs of skin aging, you may also have to deal with a dull and gray appearance and the desire to improve the condition and make your skin shine again. Dull skin is often accompanied by fatigue, stress and a hectic lifestyle. We are happy to help you offer skin therapeutic products and a solution for your skin wishes.
Microneedling is a scientifically recognized and safe technique. Superfine needles made of surgical steel make hundreds of micro-channels in the skin without damaging it. Active ingredients can penetrate deep into the skin through the micro-channels. During the treatment we use high-quality boosters and medical peels from the Dermeceutic brand. These products contain active ingredients that penetrate the skin up to 200 times better. With this treatment in combination with strong antioxidants, we can increase the skin's resistance and the skin will produce more collagen and elastin. With 4 to 6 treatments you can achieve an increase of 400 percent and a thickening of the skin of up to 140 percent.
Chemical Peel
At Inskin Institute we work with medical peels from the Dermaceutics brand. The peels are based on Glycolic acid, Salicylic acid, Lactic acid, Mandelic acid or Trichloroacetic acid (TCA). There is a suitable peeling for every type of skin. Chemical peels are liquids that consist of a formulation of natural acids. With these acids we can increase cell division in a controlled and safe way, making the skin more even and you lose the "old skin" and get a new skin in return. Based on your individual wishes, we determine which type of peeling suits you best.
At Inskin Institute we offer the world award winning Hydrafacials. It is a technique in which we treat the skin in three steps without damaging the skin. If you don't want the downtime of a chemical peeling or microneedling, this treatment offers a solution. With this scientifically proven treatment, the skin is powerfully cleansed, exfoliated and saturated with anti-inflammatory antioxidants and hydration. With this treatment you can improve the skin condition enormously. The treatment is completely painless, no recovery time and you see immediate results!
We also offer less invasive treatments that can improve the condition of the skin. These are facials that meet your individual wishes, but have no downtime. In these treatments, a deep cleansing is always combined with a mild peeling and mask.
Combination treatment
During the treatment process, we combine or alternate different techniques with each other to achieve an optimal result. The effect and results of all our treatment methods have been scientifically proven.

Om snel het gewenste resultaat te bereiken, is het essentieel dat je voorafgaand aan de behandelingen thuis de geadviseerde producten gebruikt. Het behandelplan is dus altijd tweeledig.
De thuisproducten bevatten ingrediënten die exfoliërend werken en de doorlaatbaarheid van de huid verhogen, waardoor tijdens de behandelingen de actieve werkstoffen optimaal hun werk kunnen doen. Ook zal de huid na de behandeling sneller herstellen en kun je het resultaat van de behandeling behouden.
Wij werken met de cosmeceuticals van Dermaceutic en/of Rhenophase. Cosmeceuticals bevatten actieve ingrediënten die wetenschappelijk zijn onderzocht en bewezen effectief te zijn. Deze producten mogen uitsluitend door artsen en huidtherapeuten worden geadviseerd.
Dit zeggen klanten over ons
Questions about skin improvement
What can you do to improve the condition of the skin?
With the right products and treatments we can prevent and repair DNA damage of the skin cells.
How many treatments do I need?
Skin improvement is just like exercising, if you don't maintain the condition, the result will decline. Our advice is to maintain the result with the right home products and maintenance treatments every 6 weeks.
Are the treatments painful?
We will be honest: the treatments are not always pleasant, but in general the treatments are not experienced as very painful.
Can I combine these treatments with botox and fillers?
Yes, you can, but we recommend leaving 2 weeks between treatments.
Why do I choose Inskin Institute?
At Inskin Institute we give you personal and expert skin advice. You will be treated by BIG-registered and HBO-trained skin therapists. This means that we act according to government guidelines and only work with safe, certified equipment and products. Beautiful and healthy skin can only be achieved with proven techniques, scientifically based methods, the right knowledge and experience, effective products and high-quality equipment. At Inskin Institute we offer the best medical cosmetic solutions and you are central!